true hope allows sadness
Romans 12:15b “…mourn with those who mourn.”
I spent this afternoon at the bedside of one of our church widows surrounded by pictures of people taken too soon. Today, a grey, rainy day, is the 1 year anniversary of the passing of her daughter who lived with her after her husband passed.
I typically enter into nursing homes trying to change the atmosphere. – I bring jokes, funny stories, news from church family, and a smile…. this was different. She was sad, I was sad. No amount of deflection could bring back what was mourned. I reminded her of promises we both believed – that God is in control, He has a plan, loved ones are in better places, we’ll be united one day. But, the best I could bring was simple presence. Praying with her, watching tears. Sometimes true hope allows sadness rather than pushing it away.